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JB Caine
May 13, 20234 min read
The Best Advice My Mom Ever Gave Me
The wisdom of mothers is one of those universal things that crosses cultures, eras, and ideologies, so it’s not surprising that I had my...
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JB Caine
May 4, 20235 min read
And now, for something completely different...
And now for something completely different… That classic Monty Python transition line has never seemed so relevant. I should apologize in...
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JB Caine
Oct 16, 20222 min read
I'm thrilled to join the ANATOLIAN PRESS family!
Writing can be a very tough business. Wait. Let me rephrase that. GETTING PUBLISHED can be a very tough business, especially when your...
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JB Caine
Jun 3, 20222 min read
"This week, on a very special episode of..."
I know this will probably date me, but I remember (not so terribly long ago) looking forward to the release of a new episode from my...
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JB Caine
Feb 9, 20222 min read
The Lifeblood of an Author's Business
I confess that this blog post may not be what you are expecting. You're probably expecting me to talk about some sort of creative flow,...
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JB Caine
Nov 14, 20212 min read
It's That Holiday Feeling...
I admit it. I'm one of those people who holds that Christmas begins on November 1. The temptation to pull out the tree and wreath and...
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JB Caine
Oct 10, 20213 min read
Old Dog, New Tricks!
I have never written high fantasy, despite the fact that I went through a pretty long period of time in my teens and early 20’s when I...
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JB Caine
Sep 21, 20213 min read
Learning from the Best
It's an age-old questions for Creatives: what artists who have come before have influenced your style and the art that you create? And...
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JB Caine
Sep 8, 20216 min read
It's Not What You Think...
I've been doing some organizing in my writing room in preparation for National Novel Writing Month, when I plan to do the bulk of my...
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JB Caine
Aug 22, 20212 min read
In the Back of My Mind
Like all writers, I have a dozen or so writing ideas in my head at all times. It's a real temptation to dive into writing some of them,...
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JB Caine
Jul 13, 20213 min read
The ARCANA...Who are they?
The idea of an enchanted talisman is not a particularly new one in literature, and in the ARCANA series, the tarot cards are attached to...
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JB Caine
Jun 27, 20214 min read
RUSH TO JUDGEMENT and the Darling I Killed
It's a well-known adage of writers that you have to be prepared to "kill your darlings"...that is, edit out something you love for the...
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JB Caine
Jun 9, 20211 min read
Real Ghost Stories
Do you believe in ghosts? I feel like I should begin with the disclaimer that, even thought I do believe in the supernatural, I am a bit...
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JB Caine
May 21, 20214 min read
The 15-Year Sequel
November 25, 2020 was a pretty exciting day for me. I finished writing a novel that I had been working on for 15 years. That, in itself,...
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JB Caine
Apr 16, 20212 min read
Wherever You May Roam...
As a writer, I find story ideas everywhere: a vulture perched on a streetlight, an unusual-sounding car horn, a person with an intriguing...
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JB Caine
Feb 21, 20212 min read
Creativity in Your Favorite Flavors
One of the surprising things that's been so much fun about novel-writing is the fact that I've also had a tremendous amount of fun taking...
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JB Caine
Jan 29, 20213 min read
Personal Space
When I talk about becoming a writer, or more correctly, the process of being a writer, people sometimes ask me how I fit writing into an...
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JB Caine
Dec 28, 202010 min read
Rise of the Moon NOW AVAILABLE! Here's a sample chapter.
I hope you enjoy this little "teaser" from the book. I know it's one of my favorite early scenes. Rise of the Moon is now available in...
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JB Caine
Dec 28, 20203 min read
So Much Gratitude...
Hello, everyone! You can't read any social media these days without seeing people ranting about what a challenge 2020 has been, and how...
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JB Caine
Dec 28, 20204 min read
Follower Request: Where Do Your Characters Come From?
One of you awesome people out there (you know who you are!) was pitching me some blog ideas this week, and suggested talking about how...
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